the builders (work in vain, they) are working for nothing.
(Unless the Lord) guards the city,
the guards (watch in vain, they) are watching for nothing.
2 It is (in vain or of) no use for you to get up early
and stay up late,
working for a living, (eating bread in painful labor--for)
The Lord gives sleep to those he loves. ~ Psalm 127:1-2 (NCV, ESV, NASB)
Our Father, who is in heaven,
May your name be hallowed, May your name be glorified.
May your kingdom come, May your will be done on this earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day...that as we start each of our individual jobs,
May we glorify you. For our human effort is useless without you.
Without you, we are nothing.
Our work will rather simply be in vain, be tiresome, be rather empty,
If we work only for our own gain, for our best interests.
Father, forgive us for we know not what we do, but Father, teach us to know right from wrong, teach us your law, teach us your grace. Enable us to forgive those who have wronged us no matter how hard it is.
Lead us not to the temptation of deceiving or lying to our fellow coworkers and our leaders, and to our customers, but enable us to love one another as you have first loved us through Jesus Christ your Son, and deliver us from evil.
For yours is your kingdom, your power, and your glory,
Forever and evermore.
In Jesus' precious name we pray, Amen.