Wednesday, February 13, 2013

John Piper & J. Campbell White (When the Darkness Will Not Lift)

John Piper: Is the cause you live for large enough for your Christ-exalting heart?

J. Campbell White: Most men are not satisfied with the permanent output of their lives. Nothing can wholly satisfy the life of Christ within his followers except the adoption of Christ's purpose toward the world he came to redeem. Fame, pleasure and riches are but husks and ashes in contrast with the boundless and abiding joy of working with God for the fulfillment of his eternal plans. The men who are putting everything into Christ's undertaking are getting out of life its sweetest and most priceless rewards.

John Piper: In the midst of darkness, saints may have no strength to pursue such global dreams. But it may be, int he mercy of God, that as we wait for the light to go up, we can do poorly what we would love to do well. Perhaps we can read a short article about the church in China. Or listen to a tape about a missionary who suffered much for the gospel. Or write a note to a missionary family with a few lines about how we are hanging onto grace, and include a brief prayer for them.