How long, Lord, how long?
How long do I have to wait?
How long do I have to sit in this darkness
Until you vindicate me into Your Light?
I find myself in this pit of tyranny
The tyranny of time and this cursed world
The tyranny of misunderstanding
The tyranny of an expanse of my mind
All the more wretched I am
As I see my own tyranny in people
Their silent oppression has blinded them
Yet I am hopeless, helpless, and lost in my own mire
How long, Lord, how long?
How long must I stay in darkness
Until You let Your Light shine
Until hope comes real to my eyes?
Yet I thank You, Father
Though I am alone in the flesh
I am not alone in the spirit
I am not lost in Your Presence
Forgive me, deliver me
Enable me strength and patience
Impart me Your wisdom, Your heart
To do what I must as I wait
For Yours is your glory.
Forever. Amen.