However, as I was travelling to spiritual growth, I realized I was no longer a lone ranger. There were people praying for me. Though they're not physically present with me, their spirit was with me for we're under one Spirit, God's Holy Spirit; one Christ our Savior; one Grace; one Faith; and one Father.
So I wonder what I am going to name this website.
Should I change it back to Spiritual Backpacker? Or just The Backpacker or The Traveler?
This world is not my home. Nowhere is permanent but in the Home of my Father. The weight I have in my backpack is the weight I carry until I am Home.
This website is transparent and can easily be known where I live and where I've been and what I've done good and wrong (and the conflicts and critics I have). Some posts can be filled with anger and despair and embarrassment, but for the next proceeding posts, I hope to share the faith God has enabled me. If ever readers who personally know me would find out despite this website's anonymity, don't condemn me because of my past. It's past already. I am ashamed of my past, but there's a reason I put this in writing and be transparent and be honest with myself. I am still growing and learning. God knows me more than anyone who knows me. If my past pulls me down, how can I be strong to push myself up and not turn back? God continues to sustain me and give me strength. God continues to mold me to be more and more like Christ until His return.
I do hope this will be my last website update.