Not everyone enjoys Christmas. Not everyone has friends for Christmas or blessed with an okay family.
And those lonely during the Christmas season are marginalized, they are afraid to even seek help or seek company during Christmas, because they are afraid to spoil others' Christmas.
The blessed would even sometimes forget these lonely ones. Though the blessed shares to poor people, do outreaches, but what about those poor at heart? The blessed gets busy with their blessings that they forget some of their neighbors aren't as blessed as they are, and mostly without them knowing it.
At this time of year, what truly is Christmas? Where is Jesus Christ? What can the blessed do? What can the lonely do other than self-pity?
When people post online how blessed they are, how loved, how thankful, how whatevers-happy-to-receive-gifts, there are also those who read those posts and wallow in self-pity because they have none of what others post.