Past week, I was thinking that to add with my self-study I visit other churches or bible studies. Thought of plans: ask for phone numbers and inquire to join a BS group, ask people about schedules of their churches. And I saw this post in Facebook, so I thought to try this. This was mostly attended by high school and college students.
Therefore, yesterday, I mentally listed this as part of my agenda of the day. However, after my errands, I stayed home, ate, internet, and watched movies. I was already feeling lazy to go out. Yet, when I was just preparing for our dinner, I suddenly knelt and my head down on the floor, praying like a Muslim. I talked to God of how I was frustrated about brotherly love, that I was no longer loving my fellow Christians. I told God I was already getting lazy. It's almost 7pm, I was late. While praying and trying to convince myself that I was sinning, I suddenly stood up and went to my room to change my clothes.
I left the unprepared dinner on the nook fearing I might get a scolding because I had not made dinner. I was also thinking of "Honor your father and mother". Yet I continued on. Got the keys. Drove the car out the garage. Locked the gate. Locked the doors. Left the gate keys where my family could find the keys when they arrived. But when I was already out the house, I noticed I left my other keys inside the car (keys to the gate and house). I was locked inside our lot and outside our house. "How can I go out? The car's outside. I'm locked."
Knowing that I could climb our gate, especially when I had no keys. I started to climb the gatewall, and thought, "Oh no! I no longer how to climb." The last time I climbed the wall could be 2 years ago. Yet finally, I was able to climb over but with an injured right wrist which I only found out minutes later.
When I arrived the place, it was traffic but I was glad to have found an unusual parking space, glad to have a small car. I climbed to the 4th floor of the building. When I arrived, I was shy, I was late, I almost didn't enter. I walked back down the stairs until I saw someone coming up the stairs and entered office space, so I followed, thinking "glad I'm not the only one late".
When I entered, I was still like "what am I doing here". I got to the front desk. Smiled at the people behind the desk. They asked me what they could do to help. I said, "I have no idea what I am doing here." Anyway, I was able to join and hear the message before it even started after the introduction.
Go to another post to know what I heard about the message, Jesus Prays in Gethsemane. Click Here.
Crystal (a City Group leader - somewhat a care group) introduced herself to me. Asked if I could join a city group and if I join this Sunday's gathering. I said "let me think about it" about the city group, and "probably" with the Sunday gathering. Then we departed. Back home.
Today, while I was cleaning the house, I was thinking, maybe I could volunteer there at IO better than in my Uncle/Auntie's office which I didn't do much. And because my home church couldn't provide what I wished for, IO could be promising.
I may regularly join this and maybe volunteer there and join their IT-Multimedia ministry.