Was I annoyed when I saw my ex-mentor. I thought, "Why is she here? She's not part of the Sunday School." Then later I found out, she was going to be her "boyfriend" pastor's assistant. Well, I left the sanctuary before they even started their message.
The church service would start at 10AM, there was still an hour left, so I just hang around with "friends". I thought, "I will leave after the service and attend to another church." But when the church service ended, I was no longer in the mood to go out and attend another church, especially that the day was hot. Some people also wished me to join the Sunday School lunch.
I joined the lunch and their post-lunch fellowship. When the commitment cards were passed, I didn't take one and sign because I would be taking a rest from my home church. I was only there for the Sunday School. By the way, the message today was taken somewhere in Joshua, in relation to promoting Sunday School or the purpose of Sunday School.

Anyway, after lunch, I went out with four "friends". We're not really close. We went to a tea house, they bought milk tea, and then we played Monopoly Deal. It was fun, and it was my first time.
After three games, I had to go, join Inside Out, a ministry of another church reaching out for the youth. And this was where my day ended great. A message which convicted and reminded me of God's grace. Click here to read.