As Joshua told the Israelites encouragement and reminders before he left, Joshua reminded them of what God had done to them since God chose Abraham and his offspring to be God's followers.
I thank God for all the years he has preserved me and sustained me, and little by little molding me even if it hurts. Thank you God for giving me people as I enter stages of life. Now, thank you Father for giving me a spiritual mom and dad. Truly they are my spiritual parents compared to my spirituals moms-of-old. Nonetheless, thank you Father for giving me spiritual parents who, though, aren't with me in the flesh, are with me in your Holy Spirit, being part of Your family, praying for me and desiring for my growth.
Father, enable me to be always reminded of you, your grace, and your blessings. Father, help me with my mind, my battlefield. Give me wisdom. Enable me to think of things are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Father, enable me look at things beyond myself, to see what is according to your heart. To do what pleasures you and glorifies you. May your Holy Spirit guide me.
Father, don't give up on me. Give me strength and patience to live out this day. Father, may I learn to pray like David. Father, enable me to imitate my spiritual mom and dad and inherit their faith and patience. Give me strength as you mold me to be like Christ. Thank you, Father, for also being with me though I am lonely and cannot feel you. Thank you for the love my spiritual mom and dad are giving me. Thank you for your love and for molding me. Father, thank you for enabling me to know you and be your offspring.
In Jesus' name. Amen.