Sunday, August 5, 2012

Website Update (Aug 5, 2012)

There's a name change...slight name change...AGAIN.

I added Spiritual Backpacker in my name because that was what I did on my first Sunday "journey".

Backpacker means a traveler who travels from places to places with just a backpack or luggage that is easy to carry.

Spiritual Backpacker means, I would say, a spiritual person travelling from bible study-to-bible study, church-to-church, people-to-people, in search for the things he/she has been longing which the home church is unable to provide, base on my case.

Lone Ranger Christian -- I've explained this name and the reason I put up this blog site on my first (depressing) blog post -- means, by my own definition, someone who left and rather spend time alone with God and no accountability with other Christians. However, I am not leaving my home church, I am just resting for awhile. I am taking this rest from the stress the church (some leaders..I am avoiding a former trusted someone who has hurt me bad) has brought me. They also cannot provide for my spiritual needs. So here I am, on the search, longing to spend time alone with God, while I sulk at times, yearning to study Scriptures...alone on my own because I have no mentor. Lone Ranger Christian is a disobedience to God's commandment on brotherly love. Yet if I still stay and not be a lone ranger, how long do I have to wait until I get an accountability with the Bible and guidance or mentorship in the ministry?

Many times I want to give up on Scriptures, yet I keep on coming back with the inner longing.