"You are now living in the real world. Happy for you." ~Spiritual Dad
The passage talks when 12 spies were called to check on the Promised Land. After 40 days, they brought with them fruits and news of what they saw. Ten spies said things that made people scared. However, Caleb told the Israelites that this land was the land the Lord had promised them and encouraged them that if the Lord was with them, the land would be theirs. But the people heard and saw only the things the ten spies told them. And the Lord was angry at them, though God was merciful, forgiving, slow to anger, and loved His own, God still had to punish them. God told them to leave the place and go back near the Red Sea and that anyone from 20yo up were to die first before Israel entered the Promised Land. The spies were also stricken a deadly sickness except Joshua and Caleb who trusted and had faith in God.
Me of little faith. I fail to focus on the good when I am in the down, especially when my emotions attack my physical body, I lose faith and trust.
Dear God, I am very sorry for my lack of faith and lack of trust. I am sorry for forgetting you and losing focus. Spare me your wrath, I am sorry. Please teach me. Enable me to remember you always. And though I have remembered you, enable me to stand against the pain, the hurt, the emotions attacking my spirit, mind, and body. Help me win against the deception of the enemy. Enable me to live according to your will. Let your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Enable me to remember that I don't belong here and I belong in you. This place is just temporary, yet let me learn to live according to your will. Enable me to remember the promise that you are with me and you will fight my battles. Let me trust you. Have me faith that can move mountains. You are God and I am sorry I forget that many times when things don't go well. Help me, dear God. Let me be with you always. In Jesus' Name, Amen.