Some of the Israelites started a rebellion against Moses and Aaron for bringing them back to the desert. However, they did no rebel against Moses and Aaron but against God for God was leading Moses and Aaron. God punished the people to death, swallowing them down the earth. God also showed to the people that Aaron was different and chosen by Him to lead the people, but Aaron was also accountable to the sins of the people, which Aaron and his sons were to offer sacrifices to God for the people, redeeming or atoning them of their sins. The Levites were also separate from the other tribes of Israel for they were appointed by God to work for the Meeting Tent, to work for God and help to Aaron and his sons.
God chooses people.
He choose his appointed ones into his Kingdom.
He choose from his appointed to the service to God and His people.
He choose from his helpers to lead the people and be accountable.
Yet, God choose His Son, Jesus Christ to be an atonement for our sins that we don't have to be the ones to make sacrifices for the people. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice and he intercedes for us as he is sitting at the throne beside the Father.
As chosen ones, we are to be set apart from all peoples of the world. Learning about God. Serving him. Be holy as He is holy. To love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. To love our neighbors as ourselves just as Jesus loves for his love is perfect. God's hate for sins is not like our hate for we are imperfect. Be set apart and not be like the people of this world, disobeying God, hence, rebelling God for He created us, He is our Father, our Master.
This passage not only talks about rebellion being set apart. It talks about the people to submit to authority for God appoints people to be in authority over us, to lead us, to guide us. May they be teachers, our parents, mentors, bosses, older siblings, older friends, whoever who has shown us authority.
Romans 13:1-6
Hebrews 13:17
Surely we will be punished or surely we sin when we defy authority and I am guilty of that. I have defied authority because I want to be independent. I rebelled. What good has it come to me? A broken trust and broken relationship that is far from the chance for being mended. I have become hateful, resilient, resentful, angry. Nothing good happens when I defy authority.